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Re: Looking for Robin Patterson

Name: Robin Patterson
Email: robinpatterson@hotmail.com
Date: 13th November 2003
Time: 13:53


Dave, Hello, how are you? I just picked up your Posting on this Playboy Bunny Messages Website, a year ago today. It was actually my daughter who discovered it. I didn't know it even existed.

Which country are you living in now? 'The States' I guess. Let me know what your doing - married, millionaire, movie star or Croupier?

I'm still living in the South of England, albeit I have moved around a bit. Currently at Middleton-on-Sea in West Sussex. Daughters Kerry and Storm now 21 and 16 respectively. Cor doesn't time fly. Doesn't seem that long ago since we were working in the Bahamas together.

I'm working still in I.T. as a computer programmer for an Insurance Company. Can't say I miss the gaming world, except I still have fond memories of the people. But haven't kept in touch much over the years.

Well, I'll keep this short as I hope this message will find you okay. Good to know you're still around.

Cheers, Robin

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