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Name: Karen Browne
Email: karen.browne.ytv@granadamedia.com
Date: 17th October 2003
Time: 09:55



I am a researcher for Yorkshire television, working on a new show, which aims to reunite old friends. I hope you don’t mind me contacting you in this way. I am trying to track down Michelle LeMauviel, she and her sisters were Bunny Girls in the U.K in 1977.

We are doing a brand new series for ITV, where people ask us to find their old friends. If you are one of the Lemauviel sisters, or can help us get in touch with them, I would really appreciate it. The only other information I have is that they lived in High Wycombe in a house called Kenneth Corner. If you are one of the Lemauviels, or if you have any information that may help to find them I would be very grateful if you could contact me on 0207 261 3389.

I can give you much more information if you give me a call! I can assure you that this is nothing strange or untoward, but one phone call or email to us would really help us in our search.

Thank you for you help and I hope to talk to you soon. Kind regards Karen Browne Granada Television

Webmaster: At which club did the sisters work as Bunnies? London?

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