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Reunion 2004 - Limitations on Attendees & Security

Name: Bunny Chere and Bunny Michele
Email: afterthehutch@earthlink.net
Date: 13th August 2003
Time: 23:49


It has come to our attention that some of the qualified Reunion attendees have booked additional rooms for their guests under the Playboy Personnel code. Our policy is "one room/one attendee" and each qualified attendee may, if they choose, bring ONE significant other or guest with them to the event. Absolutely no more than one room per qualified attendee.

Rooms are limited and we are told that the hotel is sold out to the General Public. This is our first endeavour to put on an "All Club Reunion" and we would appreciate your cooperation in making this experience possible for ALL former employees. We will be checking registrations against hotel reservations, and we have hired additional security to ensure there are no "gate crashers", and that all of the Reunion guests are in a secure environment.

The "Reunion 2004" is not intended to be a "family outing" with children/grandchildren/etc. It would be more aptly described as a Reunion of old friends and associates that we shared the "Playboy Club" experience with. Perhaps, if this event is successful, we will be experienced enough to plan a family-type event the next time.

Please help by being part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. We appreciate all of the offers of help, and hope you all understand the enormity of this undertaking.

If you have any questions, please contact either:

Chere Rae at afterthehutch@earthlink.net, (206) 339-2510 voice mail/fax.


Michele Dawn at BunnyMichele@aol.com, (909) 693-0165 (work) or (909) 695-1077 (home).

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Last changed: February 01, 2004 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu