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New Orleans and Jamaica Clubs

Name: Bunny Diana aka Bunny Squeaky
Email: dixiebunny@hotmail.com
Date: 4th August 2003
Time: 01:15


Hi, I’m Bunny Diana, and I worked in the New Orleans Playboy Club from 1964 to 1965, and the Jamaica Playboy Club from 1965 to 1967 as both a Bunny and a Bunny Trainer. My Bunny Mother at the New Orleans Club was Kevin Casey, and the GM was Mr. Patterson. In Jamaica my Bunny Mother was Sharon Butler.

I was one of the Bunnies featured in the August 1966 Playboy; "The Bunnies of Dixie" issue, and also one of the Bunny "extras" in the movie: In Like Flint. I'm proud to say I was Bunny of the Year runner-up at the New Orleans Club in 1965.

I'd also like to state how proud I am just to be part of this wonderfully close knit family that was the vanguard for so much healthy change in the mores of Western society. It was truly our Camelot, and it's gratifying to look back and realize we were so integral a part of an elite, yet gracious style that was the envy of it's contemporaries and is still the standard to emulate.

Sorry to wax so poetic and nostalgic, but I believe strongly we share a special bond from a magical time and place. We should honour and celebrate our time in the sun.

I'd love to hear from any former Bunnies, particularly from the New Orleans area, with a view to a possible get together. How about it? Where are you?

Bunny Delilah
Bunny Abby
Bunny Liz
Bunny Ernie
Bunny Janice
Bunny Janie
Bunny Miko
Bunny Luana (who married Rocky the bartender)
Bunny Mary...

Or any Bunnies who remember working with me, or who I may have trained. This is wonderful. I'm so thrilled. PS I'll scan in some Bunny photos ASAP.

Thanks Alan and kudos for a such a great site!

Bunny Diana

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Last changed: February 01, 2004 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu