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Re: Cincinnati Playboy Club

Name: Chef Bill Porter
Email: dsimon5463@aol.com
Date: 3rd August 2003
Time: 20:50


Hello! I am writing on behalf of Chef Bill Porter who was chef at the Cincinnati Club from the time it opened in 1963 until it closed in 1983. He was also the Executive Chef for Playboy International from 1973 to 1983.

Bill would be writing this, but he is technologically impaired when it comes to computers. He talks a lot about the years he spent with Playboy, the opportunities it gave him and the wonderful people (especially the Bunnies) he had the privilege to work with.

For those of you who remember Bill (and if you ever met him, you'll remember!), here are are are few things to bring you up to date:

1. The man still cooks! I live with him and I am the envy of every person who has ever come to our home for dinner. You may remember the four cheese macaroni, the lamb chops, flank steak, salads, onion rings, pasta, seafood, it never ends!

2. When he was 40 he looked 25. He is now 75, still has the same big smile and that laugh - and looks like he might be almost 55.

3. When he is not cooking, he's landscaping, decorating, taking care of his two apartment buildings, and helping our at our church.

4. You will love this one - he is very proud to drive a car with the license plates the Cincinnati Bunnies gave him many years ago. The plate says "CHEF". It's the best gift he ever received.

Bill is still going strong. He's going to the Las Vegas reunion in April and is eager to see many of his old friends. I'll be with him and I want to know if all his stories about the Cincinnati Club are really true. See you in Las Vegas!

Best wishes from Bill. Dave Simon for Bill Porter.

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