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Re: Playboy Executives have passed away

Name: Bunny Linda Olson
Email: LindaG1313@aol.com
Date: 1st July 2003
Time: 18:12


Dear Victor,

Bunny Linda, Chicago Playboy Club
Bunny Linda

I am so sorry to hear of the passing of John. You probably don't remember me, but I lived in the Chicago Mansion where John also resided at that time. The years were 1969-1971. He was a very nice, classy down to earth man that I was very fond of. I remember all those fun times sitting in the ballroom watching movies and eating popcorn. Everyone together, some cuddled in big chairs, some in robes, like one big family.

The first time I met you Victor I was slowly burning my body to a bright red under the sun lamps by he pool. First thing you said to me was "Hi, would you like to be a Playmate?" What great memories I have of Playboy and the wonderful times at the mansion. Victor I hope you are well and I would love to hear from you.

Very fondly, Linda

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