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Frankie Helms where are you!?!

Name: Marci
Email: marci@grimmy.com
Date: 20th June 2003
Time: 12:24


I was just curious if ANYONE knows the whereabouts of Frankie Helms. She used to work with my grandmother in St. Louis on her TV show before going to Playboy, and my dad has wondering where she ended up after that. I know it was Vegas at some point, but if anyone knows more I would appreciate it!

Thanks, Marci Peters

Webmaster: Francesca (Frankie) Helms was a Bunny Mother at many Playboy Clubs. She was well launched in a radio-television career in St. Louis when, in 1962, some friends talked her into helping open the St. Louis Playboy Club as it's first Bunny Mother. She was then borrowed in succession by the Miami, Jamaica and Atlanta Clubs, before becoming Bunny Mother in San Francisco in April 1966. Frankie once said:

"I always wanted to go on I've Got A Secret and say something like 'I've never married but I have 500 daughters.' That should shake 'em up."

But what happened to Frankie after she left Playboy I do not know. Perhaps some of you out there fondly remember her and know where or what she is doing now.

Bunny Mother Frankie Helms, San Francisco Playboy Club
Bunny Mother Frankie Helms, San Francisco Playboy Club
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