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Can any British Bunnies help me?

Name: Amanda Blinkhorn
Email: amanda@blinkhorn.co.uk
Date: 6th February 2003
Time: 14:29


I'm writing a feature on Bunnies for Strada, which is a glossy magazine produced for Toni & Guy (chain of British hairdressing salons), and I wondered if you could help me reach a British Bunny.

I know one, who now has a successful career in the health service, but I wondered if anyone could put me in touch with one or two more?

The piece will be celebrating the history of the Bunny and focussing on how working as a Bunny launched so many successful women's careers.

I'd also love to talk to anyone about the reunions and the network of former Bunnies.

I do hope you can help, and congratulations on your website - it's compulsive reading.

Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from any former Bunnies.

Yours sincerely,
Amanda Blinkhorn

PS If you want to see examples of my work please visit the online edition of the Hampstead and Highgate Express - www.hamhigh.co.uk. Look under features - I write the weekly women's page as well as other freelance work.

Amanda Blinkhorn

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Last changed: February 01, 2004 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu