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Candy D'Amato (Humphries)

Name: Bonnie Lomann
Email: explayboybunnies11@yahoo.com
Date: 12th January 2003
Time: 21:10


I was a Bunny thru the years of '66-'69 in the Los Angeles Club of which a lot of us are still friends, namely: Chere (Bryson-now Rae), Irene, Jackie, Gwen Wong, Bobbie Benson, Gerrie Woo, Fran Barker, Bobbi Bresee (Door Bunny), Sam Moorman, Candy D'Amato, Dean Hyde (Room Director), George Bryson (Room Director), Fred Hodel (Room Director), Alice Nichols (Bunny & Bunny Mother), Little Linda (Mullen), Linda Casterini (Livingston), Anna Mills, Pat Lacy & Hope Stevens.

And Geri Monticelli, Bunny Michele, Gerrie Woo & Marianna Case (have their pics on this site).

Any Bunnies in that era, lets reunite!! We all miss you to talk to and want to know how you are doing.

Our beloved Bunny Candy D'Amato (Humphries) passed last Thursday 1/9/02, from a blood vessel bursting in her brain and we are all heart broken. It was sudden and unexpected.

She started with Playboy in the Phoenix club from '62-'64 and then went on to be Training Bunny in LA from '64-'67. She was Bunny of the Year along with being beloved by many. She loved Playboy and our get togethers. In fact she still had the costume even down to the cuff links. We loved and love her and will miss her tremendously along with all of her family.

The family is having a wake at "Forest Lawn" in Hollywood off Forest Lawn Drive on Tuesday, Jan. 14, '02 and a funeral there the next day, Wednesday at 11:00 AM. Farewell our sweetheart, we will miss you!!

Its so much fun to remember those days... I know Candy loved them the most.

Hope to hear from some old friends to catch up with what you're doing now.

Now, I wish I had spent more time with Candy. Isn't that always the way!?!

Love, Bunny Bonnie

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Last changed: February 01, 2004 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu