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Great Gorge Reunion

Name: Michael Falcaro
Email: falcon624@pikeonline.net
Date: 2nd November 2002
Time: 20:15


I was just wondering how to get a reunion together for former employees of the Great Gorge property in MacAfee? Or if there is such a place.

Is there anyone out there from this great time of my life? I could get in touch w/25-30 people I've been friends with along these 20 years

I was a chef / cook there for 3 yrs before it became the Americana, Mountain Vie etc...

I started my career after high school there been in the food business ever since. When I say Playboy everyone responds "WOW."

I met my wife there and we been married for 20 yrs. So far we have 3 children. I would love any info I can receive.

Thank you,

Michael A Falcaro

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