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Re: Dallas Playboy Club

Name: Bunny Misty
Email: mmagic214@net zero.net
Date: 8th July 2001
Time: 02:35


Hi Chelsea, I too worked at the Dallas Playboy Club.

I was one of the original Bunnies that opened the club. I worked there for four years until the club closed down. Those were the best four years of my life.

I do believe I remember you even though you were only there six months. Some other Bunnies I remember and would like to find are Bunny Monica, Bunny Shelia and Moira who were twins, Bunny Ruby, Bunny Poppy, Bunny Rindy, Bunny Cinnamon, Bunny Christine, Bunny Marion, also the really cute bartender Frank and our last Bunny Mother Lenore and her daughter Bernice who also made all of our Bunny costumes. Do you remember any of these people?

You can send me a message back here if you like. This is a great website. I just hope some of the other Bunnies think of checking this out sometime soon. I am really glad I did. It brings back so many memories.

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Last changed: February 01, 2004 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu