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Dallas Playboy Club

Name: Chelsea
Email: chelsea@chelseacraft.com
Date: 4th March 2001
Time: 12:27


Really enjoyed your site.

I am an ex-Bunny from the Dallas, Texas Club. I only had 6 wonderful months before the club closed, but I will always remember it well. I met so many wonderful people and celebrities as well.

It's just a shame there isn't more on the Internet for ex-Bunnies. I'd love to know where the some of the girls are now but don't remember many Bunny names let alone any real names! Some of these ladies became my role models and their inspirations have followed me over the years. It's been at least 20 years now and I still remember the dreaded drink call order and can still do a fairly decent Bunny dip!

You have a great site here and hopefully it will only increase in popularity as time goes by. Thanks for the flood of memories your site gave me.

Best of luck!

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Last changed: February 01, 2004 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu