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Name: pc
Email: thecroz@thesimpsons.com
Date: 1st February 2001
Time: 12:35


To all ex-Bunnies: I was born just a few years too late and never got a chance to go the Playboy Club while it was open, a personal tragedy in my life.

The PBC has always been the epitome of cool and the Bunnies themselves, the ultimate in class, sophistication and beauty. Closing the PBC was a crime against humanity.

Mr. Hefner should seriously consider reopening one or two to continue the legacy and extend the legend of the Bunnies to a generation who's current idea of beauty is the embarrassingly tacky "Hooter's Girls".

The PB Bunnies represent a wonderful time in American history of which all of you should be very proud.

Consider my appreciation merely the echo of the thanks of millions of men throughout America and the world over.

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Last changed: February 01, 2004 by the Ex Playboy Bunnies Bunny Background image by Suzu